Erin Denmark

Erin Denmark OTR/L, MA

Erin Denmark OTR/L, MA has been an OT for 38 years, having experience with Head Start Integrated Preschool, Easter Seals, inpatient long-term pediatric patients, pediatric home health care, and as a therapist with the Falmouth Public School system.

A graduate of Quinnipiac College in 1984 she has had training in Sensory Integration, assisted in designing a developmental profile for preschool-aged children, and experience in screening preschool children for developmental disabilities.

Erin currently works with children to promote fine motor development, handwriting, organizational skills, and visual motor/perceptual skills.

Call Us:

phone: 774.521.3285
fax: 774.521.3641


681 Falmouth Road, Deer Crossing/Upper Level Building D, Mashpee, MA 02649

Cape Therapy Networks